Sunday 15 May 2011

Short Review: "Rewind" the Opera based on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

After seeing the "Rewind" Opera (a representation of the Truth and Reconciliation recordings) yesterday, I couldn't help but remember Winnie the opera and compare the two South African stories. "Rewind" hit me hard. I cried a river over racist stories post 1994 that get swept under the carpet. Sibongile Khumalo gave a stunning performance. She made the lyrics alive. The melodies were so appropriate. Phillip Miller - Thank you for making new music accessible. You are a man of virtue!

Sibongile Khumalo, you mended my heart with "Thula sizwe. Ungabokhala Ujehova wakho uzokunqobela" - translation - (Wipe your tears, my nation. Don't cry. Your God will make you triumphant!) Every South African should see this Opera. Memory is so powerful!!!