Friday 4 July 2014

The Emotional Space Between Brands, Music and Consumers

Getting a music production company that understands the intricate relationship between your brand and consumers is a rare find. It is easier to give someone a contract for music production services based on political reasons. However, "The leading global brands understand that music is a critical part of the customer experience and are using the medium to achieve...customer relationships built on lifestyle fit and genuine engagements that drive long term value..." Brands, Consumers and the Sound Between, retrieved from here.

There are ways in which one can tell when a music producer doesn't understand numerous South African communities. It is easy to have a song bank that you can use to adapt any script or lyric into song. However, one has to respect the language use and its natural inflections. "You can subtly change the meaning of your lyric by moving the naturally accented words to other words. For example, "THAT'S my way of showing I care" is not exactly the same as "That's My way of showing I care". The Essential Secrets of Songwriting retrieved from here.

So, when last did you come across a producer who doesn't respect your language?