Monday 15 September 2014

Moshito Music Conference VS the Showbiz, Entertainment & Arts Expo

On 5 September, the Moshito Music Conference celebrated 20 years of liberation through music at the SABC. Just a few days later, from 9-10 September, Newtown saw the launch of the first Showbiz, Entertainment and Arts Expo (SEA Expo) at Sci-Bono that is part of the Arts Alive programme. Could the events improve their market penetration if they collaborate and not seem like they are competing against each other although they are meant to be benefitting the same sector?


  • The main auditorium with a seating capacity of 300 was about 65% full on the first day of the conference. Moshito could consult the SEA Expo about getting school kids to attend Moshito.
  • The Sci-Bono auditorium with a seating capacity of 269 was 100% full thanks to the school children who were brought in to attend the event.

  • As the attendants waited for Nathi Mthethwa, the Minister of Arts and Culture to arrive, Mandla Maseko, the programme director, charismatically danced for the audience to house music. Which businesses in the music industry benefitted from this year's Moshito? 
  • On the second day of the conference, KB Motsilanyane (Award winning singer, actress and programme director for SEA Expo 2014) agreed to wear a stunning red “Freak ‘em” dress designed by one of the exhibitors at the conference. The dress looked so fabulous on KB that Yvonne Chaka Chaka asked the designer to make a dress for her that she would wear at a gig in New York.

  • Moshito could learn from attendants as to what music programming they want and what knowledge they need programmed in order to increase Moshito's popularity in the long run.
  • All attendants were given forms to advise the Expo as to how it can improve.

  • The program at Moshito was very good as it was about industry knowledge needed for independent musicians to grow their business.

  • The SEA Expo could include the Moshito programme in its programme in order to benefit those that don’t know about Moshito - especially youth who may be thinking about becoming entrepreneurs in the music industry. The same could be done by Moshito for the SEA Expo.

Music is part of the creative industries. A partnership between the two events could benefit the practitioners and new entrants as well. Most people who attended Moshito didn't even know that there was an SEA Expo a few days later. This is what politicians mean when they say that the creative industries need to speak with one voice.